Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “git”
July 14, 2017
Bitbucket Pipelines
Pipelines are a way to automate tasks when committing to a git repo (and more). Generally I’ve viewed them as a good way to deploy as soon as you commit. I suppose there are other uses for them though. I’d never used pipelines, but had always wanted to fire up a Jenkins server to mess around with it. But it seemed overwhelming and honestly I had trouble justifying the time. The other day though, I noticed that Bitbucket has a new-ish pipelines feature!
July 29, 2016
Git server
Had trouble figuring out how to clone from a private git server. As long as git is installed, you can create a repository, then pull from it using:
git clone ssh://user@host/~user/repo/ or you could also:
git clone ssh://user@host/home/user/repo/ But it just doesn’t do relative paths (except for the ~user/ part)