Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “yum”
May 12, 2017
The yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) tool was a rewrite of another tool called yup (Yellowdog UPdater). It’s just an RPM-based package manager, good for installing and removing software (including dependencies) from one’s system in a safe, easy manner. People liked it, it eventually just became “the thing to use” on RPM-based systems (such as Fedora and family, Yellow Dog itself, and tons others).
Their homepage is at
Repositories To function, Yum relies on repositories (‘repos’ for short) which are locations online that store RPM packages.
June 14, 2016
Unpacking RPM files
rpm2cpio and yumdownloader
If you ever happen to want to get some files from an RPM to do whatever you want with them, you could:
yumdownloader <package> rpm2cpio <package.rpm> > file.cpio cpio -idv < file.cpio # extracts from file.cpio all package files into the current working dir Pretty simple and small, but a good tool to have if you need it.
June 13, 2016
RPM = Redhat Package Manager
YUM = Yellowdog Updater Modified
Yum is different from APT in that it automagically does an update of the local cache when you’re checking a repository for whatever.
Some YUM commands
yum search yum info yum install yum remove yum provides # shows what package provided a particular binary, file, etc yum update Important paths:
/etc/yum.conf # some configuration for yum, including the directory where repos are stored /etc/yum.